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December 5, 2014

POODLE Update for FTP

As many of you are aware, Google recently discovered a major security flaw in the older SSLv3 protocols used to secure HTTPS, FTPS, and FTPES communication. This was called the POODLE bug and you can read about it here.
November 10, 2014

Upload Files Up to 1TB via the Browser

BrickFTP has just released an update that allows uploads of very huge files via the browser in just about any modern browser. Customers are now able to upload files to BrickFTP that are 1TB or larger directly in the browser, without having to use FTP.
May 21, 2014

Support Added for Full File/Folder Access via REST API

We are happy to announce the launch and immediate availability of an often-requested feature: full file and folder access through our REST API. This will allow you to upload, download, list files, and generally perform any file action via a REST API.

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