Limit Uploaded Files By File Name Length

This setting restricts uploaded files by the length of their file name. This is useful when your backend system only supports short file names, due to filename limits on external systems, and cannot accept files when the file name exceeds a certain length. Your chosen settings will also apply to all of this folder's subfolders by default, unless you override the setting.

The length of a file name includes its basename, any periods or punctuation, and its file extension. For example, a file named Text_file(1).TXT has a length of 16.

You can choose to restrict uploads so that they will only succeed if the file name is of a length that is equal to, or shorter than, the limit that you specify. Uploads of files with longer names will be blocked and the user will receive an error message stating that the file name is too long and that it exceeds the allowed length.

Alternatively, you can choose to automatically shorten the names of uploaded files. With this option, uploaded files will have their file names shortened to the length limit. The file basename will be shortened while the file extension will be retained. For example, if you specify a length limit of 12, and a file named Text_file(1).TXT is uploaded, then the file name will be changed to Text_fil.TXT.

You can choose whether this setting applies to only this folder or to all subfolders too.

Note that moving or copying folders to destination folders with filename restrictions, such as limiting uploaded files by file name length, is not allowed.

Overriding Settings in Subfolders or Excluding Subfolders Entirely

You can override or exclude this setting for subfolders. To exclude or override a subfolder from the parent's restrictions, an admin with adequate privileges can navigate to the subfolder's settings and select the option Limit uploaded files by file name length to set unique rules or override the parent folder's settings.

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