Rename Uploaded Files

This setting renames the uploaded file names to a specified pattern (e.g. if the uploaded file has the name FILE-xyz-22313e.txt, you can enable this setting to rename this file automatically to vendorname-2024.csv). This setting is useful when you want to completely rename all files upon upload, or remove or add timestamps in your file names, or convert upper case to lower case in your file names, or even to strip the part of the file name or to remove any unreserved characters from the file names upon upload.

Supported patterns to automatically rename the files upon upload:

  • %Fp (Original filename with extension, converted to lower case and non ASCII characters normalized to ASCII to ensure widest compatibility)
  • %Ff (Original filename with extension)
  • %Fe (Original extension only)
  • %Fb (Original basename without extension)
  • %Fl (Converts upper case letters in your base filename to lower case)
  • %p1 (Folder name of the folder that has been configured with this rename action. You can use %p2, %p3, and so on, for folder names further up the folder hierarchy.)
  • Regular time related patterns (YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm and ss. Check our documentation for more supported time related patterns.)

Your chosen settings will also apply to all of this folder's sub-folders. Automatic renaming of uploaded files saves time and improves accuracy when you have a workflow that requires file names to be in a specific pattern before processing takes place by any automations flow or even a third party integration or automation.

Note that Rename uploaded files setting applies to files or folders that are directly uploaded to the folder, not when moving or copying them into this folder. In case you have a automation where you need to rename the destination files, refer to customizing destination filenames.

WebDAV isn't consistently implemented across clients and we have found that some WebDAV clients do not perform atomic uploads. This causes the Rename Uploaded Files feature to receive partially uploaded files rather than the complete file, causing data loss and zero byte files.

We strongly recommend using our Desktop App on desktop computers, rather than the built-in WebDAV client, so that partial data isn't uploaded into folders that have Folder Settings configured for them.

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