September 2024

In September 2024, our new major features provide increased access, visibility and resilience to your site.

SIEM Integrations

We've added the ability to export your site's logs to Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platforms, such as Splunk, Microsoft Sentinel, Sumo Logic, Datadog, New Relic, and others.

Use your SIEM platform to track events across your site so you can detect and respond to situations in real-time.

If your plan supports this new feature, a site administrator can configure a new SIEM integration to define which logs are exported to your SIEM system.

Learn more about configuring SIEM with your site.

Point-In-Time Access to S3 Versioned Buckets

The S3 Remote Server Integration now supports viewing an a versioned bucket as it appeared on a specific date and time. Site administrators can browse and download the contents of any connected versioned bucket from any point in the version's history.

Instantly recover deleted or overwritten files from your versioned bucket and restore them directly to your site. Create your own backup of any remote server connection with a sync to an S3 versioned bucket for instant ransomware protection.

This feature is automatically available on all AWS S3 buckets that support versioning.

Learn more about Point-In-Time Filtering for File Restoration.

Direct Access to Child Sites

Site administrators can now access the contents of any child site through the system-controlled underscore folder. Transfer files from child sites to any location within your parent site.

This feature is available for any site administrator of the parent site.

Learn more about Accessing Child Sites.

Minor Updates

In addition to our major updates listed above, we've also added many other platform improvements this month.

Additional Regions for Akamai Linode

We've improved our Akamai Linode integration, and site administrators can define Akamai Linode Remote Servers located in 19 different storage locations.

Learn more about Akamai Linode.

Agent Dedicated IP Address

The On-Premise Agent will automatically use the dedicated IP addresses for your site. Update your agent installation to the latest version to enable this behavior.

Learn more about Downloading and Installing the Agent.

Improved Performance for AWS S3 Mounts

Listing mounted S3 folders has been made much faster, especially when Browsing a Remote Server. No action is required to enable the performance boost.

Learn more about using Amazon S3 with your site.

Better Reliability for Large Dropbox Downloads

We've automatically split very large downloads from Dropbox into chunks so that their system timeouts no longer interrupt transfers that move extremely large files. No action is needed to enable the improved transfer.

Learn more about Troubleshooting Dropbox.

Options for Excluding Files from Automations

You can now enter a pattern for files to exclude from the source matching in Automations. This provides increased flexibility because you can choose to process only items that don't match the exclusion pattern. The option to exclude files is available for any Move File, Copy File or Delete File Automation.

Learn more about Matching Source Path and Filenames.

Improved Reliability for Automations Logging

We've located and fixed a problem that caused some Move File and Copy File automations to erroneously report failure. The fix has been applied to all sites, and no action is required.

Learn more about Automations Run Logs.

Validation for Custom Schedule

The Custom Schedule options provide great flexibility in controlling when your Automations run. We've discovered (and fixed) several automations with schedules that prevented those automations from running. To prevent this from recurring, we've beefed up the validation rules for Automation custom schedules. You will no longer be able to define an automation with a start time after its end time. Site administrators who use the Custom Schedule option for Automations should verify things are configured as expected.

Learn more about Automation Triggers.

Improved Sync Parallelism

We've made initiating multiple syncs in parallel more performant so that files are transferred more quickly, even when your site has dozens of syncs scheduled. No action is needed to enable this improvement.

Learn more about Parallelism, Scheduling and Sync Speeds.

New Page for Child Sites

For site administrators, the new Child Sites page allows you to easily create new Child Sites. It also provides one-click access to the contents of any child site. This new page is available to site administrators only.

Learn more about Child Sites.

Login Error Visibility

Logging into the web interface with two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled has been improved to make errors more apparent to the authenticating user. If there are account problems unrelated to 2FA, such as a disabled user, that error will be surfaced.

Learn more about Disabling Users.

Interface Polish

We've been hard at work making our table layouts more consistent and pleasant to use, even when your table contains thousands of entries. Buttons have been standardized and placed in consistent locations. Alert messages have been made less alarming when they are providing info rather than warnings.

No action is required to enable this update, and there's more on the way.

Sunset of Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) 2FA Method

The Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) two-factor method of authentication has been superseded by WebAuthn authentication. The U2F option has been removed from, and is no longer supported. No action is required by a site administrator. Any existing users configured with U2F have been automatically updated to instead use WebAuthn.

Learn more about Supported 2FA methods.

Generate SCIM Authentication Token in Web Interface

We've enhanced the SSO Provider form so that site administrators can automatically generate an authentication token for new providers. There's no action required, the button to generate a token is avialable when you configure a provider and enable provisioning via SCIM.

Learn more about Automated User Provisioning and Management.

Improved Performance for Duo TOTP Tokens

One-time 2FA tokens generated by the Duo TOTP system will work more reliably. No action is required to enable this improvement.

Learn more about Troubleshooting 2FA.

Boomi Connector Documentation

In addition to the documentation hosted by Boomi for the connector, our developers site now includes detailed information about the Boomi Connector. All of the supported operations for the Boomi connector are included

Learn more about using Boomi with your site.

Filtering/Sorting List Requests

We've improved our documentation for the filtering and sorting options available for requests to list various resources. All of our official SDK READMEs, as well as our developers site, are updated with examples of how to filter by pattern, range, or exact match.

Learn more in our developer documentation.

Rclone Support for

Version 1.68 of Rclone contains support for sites. This allows you to use the Rclone tool to manage files on over 70 cloud storage services, including those you cannot yet directly integrate with

Learn more about Rclone.

Java SDK Streaming Uploads Change

The Java SDK has been updated to allow for streaming uploads which do not require the content length. The memory management has also been improved to avoid reading the entire file into memory before uploading. To take advantage of this improvement, upgrade to v1.4.47 or higher of the Java SDK.

Learn more in the Java SDK README on Github.

New files_site resource for Terraform Provider

We've added a new type of resource - files_site - that can be managed via the Terraform provider. Now you can easily modify site-wide settings, for example, to synchronize settings between a parent site and child sites.

Learn more about Terraform.

Fixed Documentation of CLI Arguments

Some CLI commands in the Developers documentation showed arguments using snake case rather than kebab case. This has been fixed, and the CLI examples are ready for use.

Learn more in our developer documentation.

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