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A New Look for

August 14, 2023

We are excited to share with you the brand-new navigation layout for your site. We have introduced a completely new navigation menu, redesigned many of the pages, and added  quick references to help and API documentation.

The navigation layout is intended to make it easier for administrators to perform tasks such as the initial setup, and ongoing management, of the platform. Many of the features and advanced settings are now exposed for you to easily locate, configure, and manage. Our search results let you jump straight to any setting without clicking through multiple layers of screens. The updated navigation will cause no impact to your current configurations, customizations, branding, and other settings of your site.

The new navigation and layout applies to everyone. Site administrators can hide portions of the navigation menu from others using a new Left Menu customization page.

What's New

  • New Menu Categories We’ve moved some features into their own pages, grouped related items, and made it easier to manage your site.
  • Updated Search Results for Settings   Our search results have been improved to take you directly to any setting or feature page you need.
  • Developer Information  We’ve included a category, with information about our APIs and SDKs, for your developers.
  • Links to Client Apps A new menu category includes recommended apps for interacting with
  • Menu Customization  Site administrators can hide certain menu categories from users.
  • References to Documentation and APIs Pages now offer a quick link to the associated help documentation and API documentation.

Why We Revamped Our Interface

Our goal was streamlining site administrator’s tasks of setting up your site the way you need it. provides lots of options for customizing how your site works, how it looks, and what features and files people can access. Prior to this update, most of those options were hidden in one page named “Settings”, which included crowded sub-sections. This made it harder for administrators to locate settings and required several clicks to locate and configure a setting. (“Do I configure my single sign-on under Settings > Users > User Settings or under Settings > Integrations > SSO?”) Now, features, configuration items, and capabilities have been made more discoverable and easier to find and access.

Instead of having all items under the Settings page, the new navigation puts features into specific categories that provide clear, focused menu categories for both the basic, as well as advanced, configurable options. This makes our advanced features more discoverable. For example, offers On-Premise connectivity through the Agent which can be found more easily with the new layout. Similarly, important business connections, encryption certificates and keys, file transfer services, storage regions, authentication preferences, firewall information, notification settings, and logging can now be accessed with fewer clicks.

 The web interface for now includes a collapsible side menu, freeing up precious screen real estate when you need to view a lot of information at once. The layout of various forms and tables has also been made cleaner and more consistent. Contextual help has been added to pages, making them more informative and providing links to related APIs and documentation.

Locating Settings In The New Interface

There are new locations for many of the pages you used to visit, such as setting up new users or remote servers, and we’ll help you find them. If you’re not sure where to find a setting, use the search bar at the top of every page and type in what you’re looking for. Related settings and pages will appear in your search. If you need to set a requirement that users change their passwords every 30 days, try typing password in the search bar and jump straight to the relevant setting. If you are a site administrator or a billing administrator, note that billing related information such as payment details and invoices are moved under your Profile.

Customizing The New Menus

Re-organizing our settings into this new layout also inspired us to provide a new feature for customizing the menu. Site administrators have the ability to completely hide menu categories from users. You can choose, for example, not to display the “Developers” section to users.

Menu options are only shown to users that have access to them. For example, the “Sharing” menu is only shown to users who have SHARE permissions, just as before.

Tell Us What You Think

For site administrators, this new interface will be a big change. We’re hoping that it will be a welcome one, and that you’ll find this new layout easier to navigate. We also hope you discover something new that can do for you. We’ll be continuing our efforts to make not only one of the most powerful and flexible MFT platforms but one that our users love. We know that it may take you some time to adjust to this new menu, so we’d love your feedback about what you love, and what other improvements you would love even more.

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