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January 9, 2025

How to Use Child Sites Child Sites offer a versatile way to manage separate production environments, projects, or departments while keeping everything under the umbrella of a single primary account. Whether you're running multiple business units, handling sensitive projects, or setting up staging environments, child sites provide an efficient, secure, and organized solution.

What Is a Child Site?

A child site is a fully functional, standalone site with its own:

  • Subdomain
  • Dashboard
  • Self-contained settings and content

Despite functioning as a completely separate site, a child site shares user and storage quotas with the primary account. This ensures centralized control while still offering independence for specific use cases.

Why Use a Child Site?

At first glance, creating additional sites might seem unnecessary, but child sites offer significant advantages for organizations with diverse needs. Common use cases include:

Multiple Business Units or Departments

Separate subsidiaries or departments can have their own site to manage files independently.

Security Concerns

Sensitive data or restricted-access projects can be isolated within their own child site to enhance security.

Project Management

Child sites provide dedicated environments for specific projects, allowing clear separation and easier management.

Conflicting Site Settings

When different teams or regions require contradictory settings (e.g., different permissions, file expirations), child sites allow for customized configurations.

Regional Needs

Organizations with a global presence can create child sites tailored to specific regions or compliance requirements.

Development and Staging Environments

Developers can use child sites for testing new workflows or features without affecting the production site.


Use child sites to archive older projects or files without cluttering your primary environment.

How to Create a Child Site

Creating a child site in is simple and straightforward:

1. From the Dashboard

  • Log into your account and navigate to the Child Sites tab on the left menu.
  • Click the Create button to open the setup form.
  • Enter the required details:
  • Subdomain for the child site
  • Email address of the child site admin
  • Username and password for the admin
  • Submit the form, and your child site is ready to go!

2. Using the API or SDK

If you prefer automation, you can also create child sites programmatically using the API or SDKs.

Once the child site is created, you’ll land on the child site’s dashboard, where you can manage its content, settings, and users.

Accessing a Child Site

Accessing and managing a child site is easy for both primary admins and child site users:

For Child Site Users

  • Log in using the credentials provided by the primary site admin during setup.
  • Once logged in, you can navigate the child site’s dashboard and features like a standard site.

For Primary Site Admins

  • From the primary site dashboard, go to the Child Sites tab.
  • Click the Browse button next to the child site you want to access.
  • You can now view and manage the child site’s files directly.

This is particularly useful when content from a child site needs to be moved into the primary site. For example:

  • A child site produces documents or media files.
  • The primary site admin can browse the child site, copy the necessary files, and bring them into the main environment for further use.

Conclusion Child Sites provide an efficient way to organize and manage separate environments within a single account. Whether you need isolated spaces for departments, secure project sites, or development and staging environments, child sites offer flexibility, security, and simplicity.

With intuitive setup, seamless access, and powerful integration options, Child Sites empower organizations to stay organized while maintaining centralized control.

Questions? Need help?

Please let us know how we can assist you. We’re here and glad to help. Please contact us by email, chat (in your web interface when logged in), or phone (1-800-286-8372 ext. 2).

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