Moving Existing Files and Folders to Remote Server Mount

Because Remote Server Mount is constantly getting better and better with support for new remote types, we find that many customers seek to move high volumes of files from's internal storage to a Remote Server Mount.

As such, we've put together the following guidelines for moving things to a Remote Server Mount.

High Volume Copies or Moves

First, we recommend always using our Web Interface to perform moves. The web interface will show the progress of cross-remote moves via a status bar in the upper left. If you use some other client, such an FTP client, you will not get real-time status of the move.

Secondly, if the files being moved number in the thousands, or are more than a few levels deep, we recommend breaking up the move into smaller moves. You can do this by creating the top level of target folders inside your mounted folder as new folders, then move the files and folders they are to contain in batches. Again, do this via the web interface, using the Move command.

The services we allow you to integrate with all respond differently to high volume transfers, and managing with smaller batches helps ensure that your site does not overwhelm the remote service.

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