Assigning Permissions
Administrators will use the same process to create a permission, whether assigning permissions to groups, users, or folders. The option to Add folder permission can be found within a group profile, a user profile, and within each folder of your site.
You can specify the folder, the group or user, the permission level to be applied, and whether the permission should only be applied to this folder or also recursively to its subfolders.
Folder permissions must be created one folder at a time. You cannot create a single permission that applies to multiple independent folders. However, a single permission can be configured to apply recursively to all subfolders within the targeted folder.
Additional access permissions can be applied to subfolders regardless of whether the subfolder is inheriting any permissions from a parent folder.
A description of permissions levels, and the access they grant, can be found in the Terms and Symbols section when configuring permissions.
You may see an asterisk on a permission bubble in the permissions table. This indicates that access to the specified folder has been granted only to the target folder, not to any of its subfolders.
Managing Permissions
Administrators will use the same process to manage a permission, whether the permission was assigned within a group, a user, or a folder.
Existing permissions can be found within a group profile, a user profile, or a folder. Existing permissions can be revoked to remove that permission from the user, group, or folder.
Additional and new permissions can be assigned to a user, group, or folder. These will be added to any existing permissions for that user, group, or folder.
Permissions can only be applied or revoked, not modified.
Restricting Access Permissions to the Root Folder
To prevent assignment of permissions to users for the root folder level of your site, enable the Restrict root folder permissions option within your site's Data Restrictions settings. When this setting is enabled, it will prevent assigning non-administrators any access permissions to the root folder of your site.