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Microsoft Entra ID integrates with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO or Azure AD), enabling user authentication and user provisioning from your Microsoft Entra domain services.

Implementing Single Sign On (SSO) allows your users to authenticate with the password specified in your Microsoft Entra ID so that your administrators can manage user credentials and privileges at a single location.

Users can be provisioned within based on criteria defined within your Entra ID service. For example, you can specify that only users that are members of a specified Group should be provided with user accounts.

Integration with Microsoft Entra ID can be achieved using SAML, OAuth, or the LDAP protocol. You can also have more than one Entra ID instance or app connected to your site.

There are differences in functionality when choosing between SAML, OAuth, and LDAP. Generally speaking, the more modern SAML and OAuth standards are only designed to be used for web and cloud based applications whereas the older LDAP standard can be used by all types of applications but isn't as well integrated with web and cloud based applications. Some notable differences are:

FeatureSAML AND OAUTHLDAP users can use Entra ID password for web browser based access?YesYes users can use Entra ID password to login to desktop app?YesYes users can use Entra ID password for FTP(S) / SFTP / WebDAV / API / Mobile app access?NoYes
Automated provisioning method (if configured)Performed and managed by AD SCIMExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab with SAML based integrationPerformed and managed by
Provisioning user and group filtering (if configured)Performed and managed by AD SCIMExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab with SAML based integrationPerformed and managed by
Provisioning intervalReal timeHourly
Provisioning logsProvided by Microsoft at the Microsoft Entra user provisioning logsExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tabHourly sync logs available at External Logs

We recommend using SAML-based integration with Microsoft Entra ID because SAML-based integration is generally more secure, and it also offers seamless user and group provisioning using SCIM.

Entra ID SSO via SAML

Below are the instructions for adding as an application in Entra ID for SAML integration.

Adding in Entra ID for SAML

After logging in to your Entra ID portal as an administrator, navigate to Microsoft Entra ID -> Manage -> Enterprise applications and click the New application button. Click Create your own application. Enter an app name (e.g.,, select Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery), and click the Create button.

Under Getting Started, click Set up single sign-on. Under Select a single sign-on method, click SAML. In the Basic SAML Configuration box, click the Edit button.

Complete the form using the following values, and leave other fields at their defaults:

Identifier (Entity ID)
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)
Relay State (optional)[SUBDOMAIN] (Replace [SUBDOMAIN] with your subdomain).
Unique User Identifieruser.userprincipalname

Click the Save button to apply the changes.

Lastly, copy the App Federation Metadata Url in the SAML Signing Certificate box. You will need this URL when adding Entra ID in

Adding Multiple Apps in Entra ID

You can use the same Entra ID tenant organization with multiple sites. For example, if you have multiple sites to represent different brands, you can still use a single Entra ID tenant for all your users.

If you are adding more than one app under the same Entra ID tenant organization, Entra ID requires the identifier (Entity ID) to be unique within your organization. In such cases, you can append a unique identifier to the end of the Entity ID URL in Entra ID. For example: allows you to configure this Unique Identifier (Entity ID) while setting up Entra ID SSO in

If you are trying to integrate multiple Entra apps to connect to the same site, consider using Child Sites in for easier user management. Child Sites help maintain distinct authentication settings, streamline provisioning and deprovisioning, and efficiently organize users without complicating your primary site’s configuration. Additionally, consider using the Relay State URL in Entra ID to direct your IdP to the correct site.

Adding Entra ID in for SAML

Go to the SSO page and select Microsoft Entra ID as the SSO provider, then select Use SAML, and enter the Display Name.

There are three different ways you can connect to SAML provider as below. Choosing the correct method depends on your requirements. The Metadata URL is the simplest option as it automatically handles updates, such as certificate renewals or changes to service provider URLs. For example, if Entra ID’s certificate expires, the Metadata URL will automatically update, while Metadata XML or Certificate Fingerprint requires manual updates. If automatic updates are not required, Metadata XML works well but requires manual intervention when changes occur. Certificate Fingerprint is the most manual option, giving more control over updates but requiring more effort to manage in the long-term.

Using Metadata URL

Paste the App Federation Metadata Url you copied from Entra ID into the Metadata URL field.

Using Metadata XML file

If you need to use metadata XML file to connect to Entra ID via SAML, as an Entra ID administrator, save the content of App Federation Metadata Url to an XML file. In, select the option Metadata XML file and select the XML file you created from Entra ID.

Using Certificate Fingerprint

If you need to use Certificate Fingerprint to connect to Entra ID via SAML, download the SAML Signing Certificate from Entra ID application dashboard. To get the certificate and issuer URL, go to the application you created in Entra ID and download the certificate. Once the Certificate is downloaded on your local machine, run the following command using terminal to obtain the Certificate's Fingerprint.

openssl x509 -in [your_cert_file] -noout -sha256 -fingerprint

In, select the Certificate Fingerprint option and paste the fingerprint you obtained from the above command. Also, paste the Issuer URL you copied from Entra ID. You can use the same URL for SLO endpoint and SSO endpoint also.

Once you save the changes, the Entra ID SSO method will now be available when assigning an authentication method for a user in, and the Sign in with Entra ID button will be displayed on your site's login page.

It is strongly recommended to keep at least one site administrator with the password option as the authentication method, rather than assigning all to SSO, to prevent being locked out of in case of IdP or SSO issues.

Entra ID SSO via OAuth

Below are the instructions for adding as an application in Entra ID for OAuth integration. Note that OAuth is not compatible with SCIM for user and group provisioning.

Adding in Entra ID for OAuth

After logging in to your Entra ID portal as an administrator, navigate to Microsoft Entra ID -> Manage -> App registrations and click the New registration button.

In the registration form, enter in the Name field, and enter the Web URL in the Redirect URI field. Keep the supported account type as Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default Directory only - Single tenant).

Click the Register button to complete the registration.

Next, copy both the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID by clicking the copy icon that appears when hovering your cursor over them, and make a note of these by pasting them into a text/document editor.

Next, to generate a client secret, navigate to Certificates & secrets, and click the New client secret button.

In the dialog that appears, enter a Description and select the Expires option according to your preference.

Click the Add button to generate your client secret.

Next, use the copy icon next to the generated secret Value to copy it, and make a note of it along with your previously copied client and tenant IDs.

Adding Entra ID in for OAuth

Go to the SSO page and select Microsoft Entra ID as the SSO provider.

In the Add provider form, select the Use OAuth option, enter Display Name, paste your Directory (tenant) ID copied from Entra ID into the Tenant ID field, paste your Application (client) ID copied from Entra ID into the Client ID field, and paste your Client secret copied from Entra ID into the Client Secret field.

Lastly, click the Save button to apply the change.

The Entra ID SSO method will now be available when assigning an authentication method for a user in, and the Sign in with Entra ID button will be displayed on your site's login page.

It is strongly recommended to keep at least one site administrator with the password option as the authentication method, rather than assigning all to SSO, to prevent being locked out of in case of IdP or SSO issues.

Entra ID SSO via LDAP

If you prefer to use the LDAP method, Entra ID will be integrated in the same way as with any other LDAP-capable service, such as on-premises Active Directory.

For integrating with on-premise Microsoft Active Directory/LDAP, refer to the LDAP/Active Directory SSO documentation.

Prerequisites for Using LDAP(S)

Before you start the LDAP integration process, ensure that your Entra ID is set up with LDAPSExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab. Avoid using a self-signed TLS/SSL certificate for LDAPS, and instead, opt for a valid and chained TLS/SSL certificate for LDAPS.

To configure LDAP based integration, refer to the LDAP/Active Directory integration documentation.

Provisioning Users Automatically

There are 2 primary methods for automatically provisioning users through Entra ID: SCIM provisioning and Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning. SCIM provisioning involves the systematic synchronization of user data between your identity provider and, ensuring consistent and up-to-date user records. On the other hand, Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning operates by creating user records on at the moment of their initial successful login, offering a more immediate approach. These two mechanisms provide flexibility in managing user provisioning based on your specific requirements and preferences within the Entra ID environment.

SCIM Provisioning

SCIM Provisioning is a standard that allows your Users to be automatically provisioned in from your Entra ID identity source. Note that SCIM provisioning is only compatible with SAML-based integration, not OAuth. offers numerous configuration options for SCIM provisioning, detailed in the Configuration Options section under our SCIM provisioning documentation.

If Authentication Mode is set to Basic Auth, generate the Basic Auth username and password in by navigating to the advanced settings in the Add/Edit SSO provider form. Under the Enable automatic user provisioning via SCIM? section, select Basic, then click Generate SCIM Username and Password. Copy both values and enter them in Entra ID for SCIM provisioning. Note that the credentials will only become active after saving the Add/Edit SSO provider form.

If Authentication Mode is set to Token, generate the access token by selecting Token in the same section, then click Save to generate the token. Copy the token and enter it in Entra ID for SCIM provisioning setup.

In your Entra ID portal, navigate to Microsoft Entra ID -> Enterprise Applications -> Under the Manage menu, select Provisioning, set the Provisioning Mode to Automatic, enter the SCIM API endpoint URL as, set the Secret Token to the access token generated above. Click Test Connection and wait for the confirmation message, then click Save to authorize and enable provisioning.

Token based SCIM provisioning

If you are using token based provisioning, by default the token will expire in a year from the date you generated it. You will receive an alert email from before your SCIM token is going to expire. You can always extend the expiry date of the SCIM provisioning Secret token in Type "SSO Providers" in the search box at the top of every page and then click on the matching result. Edit your Entra ID provider's settings and locate the Enable automatic user provisioning via SCIM? -> Token -> Token Expiration. You can either enter new date in the Token Expiration text box or pick a new date from date picker UI and click Save.

To revoke the current token and get a new one because it got compromised or for any other reason, you can reset the token from Edit your Entra ID provider's settings and locate the Enable automatic user provisioning via SCIM? -> Token -> Reset Token. Once you reset the token and click on Save, new token will be generated and available for you to copy from the Token text box.

User fields mapping between Entra ID and with SCIM provisioning

If you create a user in Entra ID with the fields User name, Display name (or Name), First name and Last name and provision that user to via SCIM, the same user will be created or updated in by mapping Entra ID fields to as User name into email, First Name and Last Name combined into Full Name. We ignore Display Name and other fields from Entra ID.

Just-In-Time (JIT) Provisioning

JIT Provisioning works by creating user records on upon their first successful login. This method is easier than SCIM, however, it suffers from one major limitation as below when used with Entra ID.

Entra ID erroneously communicates Group Names as their Group IDs rather than the actual Group Name. This means that users will be provisioned with a list of groups that shows up as UUIDs (long strings of characters). These groups will work, but they won't be easily understood.

Some customers use our API to retroactively rename those groups, however, this is not a clean solution. We strongly recommend SCIM provisioning instead if you need to provision group memberships from Entra IDD.

This is a limitation of Entra ID itself, and not JIT Provisioning works properly on for other SAML providers, including Okta, Auth0, and OneLogin.

JIT Provisioning will work if your Entra ID Users aren't members of any Groups, or if you disable Group provisioning via SAML.

Migrating Users from Active Directory/LDAP to Entra ID

The process below details how to migrate users from Active Directory/LDAP to Entra ID.

Before migrating using Entra Connect or some other solution, be aware that Entra ID SSO authentication with a password is only supported for browser-based sessions, or the Desktop app. SFTP and API authentication are supported using SFTP Keys or API Keys.

Set up the Entra ID (SAML) alongside your existing Active Directory/LDAP SSO provider. Test the functionality with an existing Active Directory/LDAP user by updating their Authentication method to Entra ID at User Accounts -> Users -> [Username] -> Authentication. Verify that the user can successfully log in using the Sign in with Entra ID SSO button. After confirming Entra ID SSO works for a single user, update the authentication method for the remaining Active Directory/LDAP users to Entra ID. If dealing with a large user base, consider using one of our SDKsExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab to script this process, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance. Once all users have been updated to use Entra ID authentication, you can safely remove the Active Directory/LDAP SSO provider.

Differences Between Active Directory/LDAP and Entra ID After Migrating Users

After migrating users from Active Directory/LDAP to Entra ID there will be some differences in behavior on the platform:

FieldActive Directory/LDAPEntra ID
Can use AD/LDAP password for web browser based access?YesYes
Can use AD/LDAP password for FTP(S) / SFTP / WebDAV / API access?YesNo
Automated provisioning method (if configured)Hourly syncImmediate via SCIM (recommended)
Provisioning logsHourly sync logs available at External LogsProvided by Azure at the Entra ID Provisioning logsExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab


If you encounter issues with the username not updating automatically after a change in Entra ID, review the following steps for a resolution.

Username Changed in Entra ID

If a username has been changed within Entra ID (Azure Active Directory), the username change may not automatically update the username of the associated user. There are two easy ways to fix this.

In, a Site Administrator may update the user's account to match the username within Entra ID. Alternatively, this can be completed within the Azure account by an administrator.

To address this, sign in to your Azure portal, navigate to Entra ID -> Enterprise applications, choose the relevant application where the user is located, go to the provisioning configuration page, select Provision on demand, input the updated username, and click Provision at the bottom of the page.

When updating either the username or email address in Entra ID, it is considered best practice to change both values simultaneously to ensure they match. This approach helps prevent data mismatches on and avoids potential login issues.

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