Logging for Users

Information about user creation, modification and removal is tracked in the Settings Changes Logs. This logging is not dependent upon the interface you use, whether it be CLI, web interface or one of our supported SDKs. The Settings Changes logs allow you to trace the history of a user's account, specifically about what was done to that user account. If you're looking for information about what a user account did, refer to the History logs.

At User Creation

Creating a new user is logged in the Settings Changes logs. Aside from the standard log fields of the date and the user making the change, the only information logged at the time a user is created is their username.

When Users Are Edited

Updating a user to change its settings is will appear in the Settings Changes logs. As soon as you save the change to a setting, it will be added to the log. In addition to the standard log fields of the date and the user making the change, each log entry will include the username for the user that was edited, what setting was changed, along with the original value of the setting and the new value of the setting.

When Users Are Removed

Deleting a user is logged in the Settings Changes logs. Aside from the standard log fields of the date and the user making the change, the only information logged at the time a user is deleted is their username.

What Is Not Logged

Associating a user account with other things, such as group memberships, API Keys, SSH Keys, or folder permissions, is not captured in the Settings Changes logs, because they don't represent a change to that user's own settings.

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