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Web Interface (Web UI)

The web interface makes it simple to work with your site. This includes uploading, downloading, or organizing files, along with a variety of other features.


Log in to the web interface at your site URL, such as https://mysite.files.comExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab, or at your custom domain.

At the login page, you'll be prompted to enter your username and password.

If Single-Sign-On (SSO) is enabled for your site then a list of Sign-On providers will be displayed on the login page. Select the Sign-On provider that you wish to authenticate with.

Default Folder

When you log in, you will see the folders and files that you have been granted permission to access.

Users with only access to one folder will be automatically placed within that folder.

Users with access to multiple folders are placed into the highest level intersection folder, so they can navigate to all their folders as easily as possible.

Site administrators start at the top-level folder of the site when they log in.

Left Menu

Most of the functions available on are organized into a Left Menu. allows site administrators to customize their site for their users, including certain options from the Left Menu for certain users.

See the section on Left Menu Customization to learn how to customize this.

Data Tables

The Web Interface displays many tables to organize and manage your data, like email Notifications, Share Links, Remote Servers, Users, and so on. These tables include features for adding or editing data, along with options for filtering or exporting data.


Most data tables include a Columns button. You can choose what details about your data are displayed in the table. Changing the columns will only apply to your own session.


Many data tables allow you to limit they kinds of records that are displayed. For example, you could filter your list of users to include only site administrators.


Export creates a CSV file of the records shown in your table. You can use the CSV in other apps or for reports.

If you used filters to limit the records that are shown in the table, only rows that match your filters are included in the export.

If you start an export and close the window before it completes, you will receive an email to download the CSV when it is complete.

Export Output

The Export function is not a print function that reproduces the display in the web interface, so the output CSV does not look exactly the same.

Regardless of which columns are currently displayed in the table, all data columns are included in the export CSV. The column headers may not match the headers shown in the table; they will instead match the properties listed in our developer documentationExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab. For example, exporting the Users table listing will include the columns shown in the User ObjectExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab.

The values listed in each column may not be formatted the same way they appear in the on-screen data table. For example, columns that display "Yes" or "No" on your screen will instead be "true" or "false" in the export, and dates will be presented as a timestamp string with timezone adjustment, such as 2022-08-20 17:34:17 -0400 instead of Aug 20, 2022 5:34 pm.

Some data tables combine several underlying fields into a single column for presentation, and this is not included in a data export. For example, the Automations data table includes a human readable summary of when the automation runs in the Trigger column, but the CSV export will instead include the relevant values in the interval, recurring_day, schedule, path, and so on. Similarly, the Users data table displays the name of a user's SSO provider in the Authentication Method column, but the CSV export will have "sso" in the authentication_method column and the ID of the SSO provider in the sso_strategy_id column.

Some data tables display values from related records, but the export of those tables will only include the ID numbers of the related records. For example, the data table for Share Links can include Clickwrap column, which displays the name of the associated clickwrap, but the CSV export will have the unique numeric ID in the clickwrap_id column.

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