Public Hosting Logs
This log provides details of actions performed with your publicly served folders. It is helpful for auditing who (Remote IP) is accessing the publicly served folders, when files were accessed, the hostname and path of the files accessed, and the status of each action.
We currently retain these logs for 30 days, but we are gradually increasing this to 180 days, with the 180-day retention expected to be in place by 2025.
Below are the details available in the public hosting logs.
Column | Details |
Date | Start time of the action. |
Remote IP | IP address of the client that initiated the HTTP requests to your public hosting folder. |
Server IP | IP address of the pubic hosting server. |
Hostname | Hostname or domain name of the server to which an HTTP request is sent. |
Path | HTTP request path. When filtering the Path, this should be delimited by slashes (/ ), excluding both the start and end slashes. Maximum length: 5000 characters. |
Response Code | HTTP response code. |
Status | Status such as Success, or Failure for each action. |
Duration | Time taken in milliseconds for the execution of the action. |